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It's clear that a lot of thought was put into the mechanics, level design, and artwork for the game. The game plays beautifully - navigating the levels and beating the boss felt satisfying. One thing I would change is having jumping be possible on sloped platforms. Overall though, excellent work!

Thank you for the feedback.  

Nice game! Good artwork (with fire covered floor)  for the second level. Turning it into an animation would look amazing. 

I think the jumping could have been faster. 

I observed that the jump was not working when the player was standing on a slope. 

A health bar would have been nice. 

Also, adding some screen shake or blood splatter when the player got hit would look good as I didn't realize that projectiles were coming from the right.

Thank you for the feedback. I also noticed the hearts were not subtracting and that is a problem I aim to fix. Had to publish this project because it was 10 minutes before the deadline and we were calling it done for this project. 

The player blinking white should be an indicator that you got hit. 

As for the weird projectiles coming from the right, that was just poor last minute game design on my part before I had to publish the project. I wanted to spice up the game because I felt repetitive patrolling slimes would have bored the audience.